Sara Eve's Adoption

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

The Doctors Appointment went well. Here are a few notes from the doctor:

1) Weight was 17.5 lbs (She seems to weight more than that)
2) Height I can't remember (We get the documents in a few days)
3) The rasp she has is OK to treat with Trimedic.
4) Generally - she seems healty :-)

One couple had to take their daughter to the hospital two days ago with a contagious infection. So - the doctors are worried about children but didn't spend any time at all with that couple so we are not worried.

Sara was HARD to put to sleep last night. I think she had a belly ache. But - Mommy changed her diaper at 4:00 am this morning and Daddy Feed her. She is sleeping like a baby!

Daddy had to get into the bed with her last night. She would only and I mean ONLY sleep if we were standing up and walking around. The instant we sat down she cried and cried and cried. So - Daddy was the bad guy last night and let her cry her eyes out in bed until she fell asleep. Mommy too had a belly ache last night so Daddy had time with Sara.

Here are a few pics from yesterday. Today is sightseeing and shopping. I still can not read the posts from our blog but we look forward to reading them when we are able.

Keith, Susie, and Sara


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