Sara Eve's Adoption

Thursday, April 27, 2006

After our first MD visit on Tuesday, Sara woke up with a rash and a low grade fever. I feverishly called the MD's office in a panic (first time mom syndrome) asking what is this rash. Of course, I just knew she was allergic to something. Sara's MD was off that day so the covering doctor told me it was probably just contact dermatitis and to put some hydrocortizone cream on her. I did that and by lunch time yesterday, the rash had spread to her back, legs and arms and her fever was up to 101 degrees. I was freaking out! We didn't sleep much last night. Sara and I have been up since 1am. She was up probably because she was itchy and I was up worried to death about her rash and which shot she was allergic to. I watched her breathe all night to make sure she didn't stop breathing.

Today, we had to go into the MD office to look at her TB test. The TB test was negative. That was good news. I had the doc look at her rash and she told me it was coming from that baby wash I was using and to use unscented dove from now on. The doc also said to make sure that her clothes were being rinsed well when they were washed. Whew! A load off of my mind. We had more blood work to complete so we had to go the local hospital to complete those labs. Sara really hasn't had a good day today either. Poor thing, it seems that when she cries I also cry because I don't like getting stuck with needles either.

On a good note, Sara did drink from her sippy cup tonight at dinner! Yeahhhh!! and she almost fed herself a fruit puff. She loves those things. Her appetite seems to be coming back since her shots and her personality too!


  • At 12:14 PM, Blogger Miriam said…

    Bonnie and Miriam here, love the updates BUT when are we going to see the baby?
    She is beautiful and you are a great momma, hang in there, you've only just begun !!


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